
The tooltip component can display a simple text or more advanced HTML content. It is typically used to display a small amount of complementary information.

Simple tooltip
This tooltip has HTML content and is displayed over multiple lines.
<div class="lui-tooltip">
  Simple tooltip
  <div class="lui-tooltip__arrow lui-tooltip__arrow--right"></div>
<div class="lui-tooltip" style="width: 200px;">
  This tooltip has <b>HTML content</b> and is displayed over multiple lines.
  <div class="lui-tooltip__arrow lui-tooltip__arrow--right"></div>

Tooltip JS

  • Markup
  • JS
  <a class="tooltip-trigger" aria-haspopup="true" title="This is the tooltip text to be displayed">Hover me (top)</a>
  <a class="tooltip-trigger" aria-haspopup="true" title="This is the tooltip text to be displayed">Hover me (right)</a>
  <a class="tooltip-trigger" aria-haspopup="true" title="This is the tooltip text to be displayed">Hover me (bottom)</a>
  <a class="tooltip-trigger" aria-haspopup="true" title="This is the tooltip text to be displayed">Hover me (left)</a>
  <a class="tooltip-trigger" aria-haspopup="true">Hover me (HTML content)</a>
  var docks = ["top", ["right", "left"], "bottom", ["left", "right"], "right"];
  var tooltipTriggers = Array.prototype.slice.apply( document.querySelectorAll( ".tooltip-trigger" ) );
  tooltipTriggers.forEach( function( element, idx ) {
    var dock = docks[idx];
    var tooltip;
    element.addEventListener( "mouseover", function() {
      var options = {
        alignTo: element,
        dock: dock
      if ( idx === 4 ) {
        options.content = "<span>This text is bold and italic: <b><i>1337</i></b></span>"
      tooltip = leonardoui.tooltip( options );
    } );
    element.addEventListener( "mouseout", function() {
      if ( tooltip ) {
    } );
  } );


Option Type Description Default
alignTo Element / point Element or point (Object with top, left) to dock the tooltip to.
dock string | Array Dock to side. Can be a string or an array of "top", "right", "bottom", "left". "bottom"
content string | Element HTML content as a string or a Element element. If left empty, the title attribute of the alignTo element will be used.