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How CLI works

At the initialization, qliksense cli creates few files in the director ~/.qliksense and it contains following files:

├── config.yaml
├── contexts
│   └── qlik-default
│       └── qlik-default.yaml
└── ejson
    └── keys

qlik-default.yaml is a default CR created with some default values like:

kind: Qliksense
  name: qlik-default
  profile: docker-desktop
    - name: mongodbUri
      value: mongodb://qlik-default-mongodb:27017/qliksense?ssl=false
  releaseName: qlik-default

The qliksense cli creates a default qliksense context (different from kubectl context) named qlik-default which will be the prefix for all kubernetes resources created by the cli under this context later on.

New context and configuration can be created by the cli, get available commands using:

qliksense config -h

qliksense cli works in two modes

Without git repo

In this mode qliksense CLI downloads the specified version from qliksense-k8s and places it in ~/.qliksense/contexts/<context-name>/qlik-k8s folder.

The qliksense cli creates a CR for the QlikSense operator and all config operations are performed to edit the CR.

qliksense install will generate patches in local file system (i.e ~/.qliksense/contexts/<context-name>/qlik-k8s) and

  • Install those manifests into the cluster
  • Create a custom resource (CR) for the qliksene operator.

The operator makes the association to the installed resources so that when qliksense uninstall is performed the operator can delete all kubernetes resources related to QSEoK for the current context.

With a git repo

Create a fork or clone of qliksense-k8s and push it to your git repo/server

To add your repo into CR, perform the following:

qliksense config set git.repository=""
qliksense config set git.accessToken="<mySecretToken>"

When you perform qliksense install, qliksense operator performs these tasks:

  • Download corresponding version of manifests from the your git repo
  • Generate kustomize patches
  • Install kubernetes resources
  • Push generated patches into a new branch in the provided git repo. Gives you ability to merge patches into your master branch
  • Create a CronJob to monitor master branch. Any changes pushed to master branch will be applied into the cluster. This is a light weight git-ops model


To enable gitops, the following section should be in the CR

    accessToken: "<git-token>"
    userName: "<git-username>"
    enabled: "yes"
    schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
    watchBranch: <myBranch>