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qliksense preflight

Preflight checks provide pre-installation cluster conformance testing and validation before we install qliksense on the cluster. We gather a suite of conformance tests that can be easily written and run on the target cluster to verify that cluster-specific requirements are met.

We support a couple of tests at the moment as part of preflight checks, and the range of the suite will be expanded in future.

Run the following command to view help about the commands supported by preflight at any moment:

qliksense preflight

Running all checks

Run the following command to execute all preflight checks

qliksense preflight all --mongodb-url=<mongo-server url> --mongodb-ca-cert=<path to ca-cert file>

Running specific check

Run the following command to execute a specific check

qliksense preflight dns

Running cleanup

Run the following command to cleanup entities created for preflight checks that were left behind on the cluster.

qliksense preflight clean

qliksense postflight

Postflight checks are performed after qliksense is installed on the cluster and during normal operating mode of the product. Such checks can range from validating certain conditions to checking the status of certain operations or entities.

Run the following command to view help about the commands supported by postflight at any moment:

qliksense postflight

qliksense load

qliksense load command takes input from a file or from pipe

  • qliksense load -f cr-file.yaml
  • cat cr-file.yaml | qliksense load -f -

This will load the Custom Resource (CR) into ${QLIKSENSE_HOME} folder, create context structure and set the current context to that CR.

This will also encrypt the secrets from CR while writing the CR into the disk.

qliksense apply

qliksense apply command takes input from a file or from pipe

  • qliksense apply -f cr-file.yaml
  • cat cr-file.yaml | qliksense apply -f -

The content of cr-file.yaml should be something like the following:

kind: Qliksense
  name: qlik-test
    version: v0.0.2
    - name: acceptEULA
      value: "yes"
    - name: mongodbUri
      value: mongodb://qlik-test-mongodb:27017/qliksense?ssl=false
  profile: docker-desktop

qliksense apply does everything qliksense load does but will install Qlik Sense into the cluster as well

qliksense about

qliksense about command will display information about qliksense-k8s release.

For example, running the following command will show information about default profile for 1.0.0 tag

qliksense about 1.0.0

Run the following command to view options for about command:

qliksense about --help

Using other supported commands user might have built the CR into the location ~/.qliksense/myqliksense.yaml

kind: QlikSense
  name: myqliksense
  profile: docker-desktop
  manifestsRoot: /Usr/xyz/my-k8-repo/manifests
  namespace: myqliksense
  storageClassName: efs
    - name: acceptEULA
      value: "yes"
    - name: mongodbUri
      value: "mongo://mongo:3307"
    - name: messagingPassword
      valueFromKey: messagingPassword

In this case, the result of qliksense about command would display information from:

  • /Usr/xyz/my-k8-repo/manifests/docker-desktop location, or
  • Pull and show information from master branch if the directory is invalid or empty

qliksense config

qliksense config will perform operations on configurations and contexts regarding the qliksense-k8 release.

It supports the following flags:

  • qliksense config list-contexts - get and list contexts
  • qliksense config set - configure a key-value pair into the current context
  • qliksense config set-configs - set configurations into qliksense context as key-value pairs
  • qliksense config set-context - sets the Kubernetes context where resources are located
  • qliksense config set-secrets <service_name>.<attribute>="<value>" --secret=false - set secrets configurations into qliksense context as key-value pairs and show encrypted value as part of CR
  • qliksense config set-secrets <service_name>.<attribute>="<value>" --secret=true - set secrets configurations into qliksense context as key-value pairs and show a key reference to the created Kubernetes secret resource as part of the CR
  • qliksense config view - view the qliksense operator CR
  • qliksense config delete-context - deletes a specific context locally (not in-cluster). Deletes context in spec of config.yaml and locally deletes entire folder of specified context (does not delete secrets from cluster)

The global file which abstracts all contexts is ~/.qliksense/config.yaml

kind: QliksenseConfig
  name: QliksenseConfigMetadata
  - name: qlik-default
    crFile: /Users/xyz/.qliksense/contexts/qlik-default/qlik-default.yaml
  - name: myqliksense
    crFile: /Users/xyz/.qliksense/contexts/myqliksense/myqliksense.yaml
  - name: hello
    crFile: /Users/xyz/.qliksense/contexts/hello/hello.yaml
  currentContext: hello